A service that is greatly appreciated by the accountancy firm's clientele is the monthly transmission of the following statements, useful for administrative and statistical purposes:
A service that is greatly appreciated by the accountancy firm's clientele is the monthly transmission of the following statements, useful for administrative and statistical purposes:
this is sent monthly to the client company or, at its request, to the office helping with tax matters and reports, as in the attached example, the data necessary to account for the costs of employees and assimilated staff, applying both the cash flow criterion and the income criterion and with breakdown, if provided, into individual departments.
as shown in the example attached, the statement, in EXCEL format, indicates, for the single month, the data already reported in the accounting note but subdivided for each individual worker.
as shown in the example attached, the statement, in EXCEL format, indicates for the period between January 1 and the month concerned the data already reported in the accounting note, but subdivided for each individual worker and with the calculation of the accruals accrued thereon.
as shown in the example, the statement, in EXCEL format, shows, for each single worker, a summary of the paycheck processed for the month concerned.